Instruction Set Architecture
This module specifies the instruction set architecture of the virtual chip that comprises of a minimal set of simple instructions.
Instruction Format
The low-level language will be compiled into binary (machine) code. A compiled instruction, in big endian order, takes 12
bits where; the first 4
represent the instruction and the remaining 8
represent argument(immediate value) passed to the instruction. Thus our virtual chip may be a 12-bit chip for our display unit.
Op Code | Operand(Immediate Value) |
0000 | 00000000 |
This implies that the maximum number of instructions that can be supported are 24 = 16
and 28 = 256
for arguments. Consquently, the display unit must have pixel positions ranging from 0
to 255
in both dimenstions (256x256 screen resolution).
Instruction Set
The language is ought to be simple and direct. Supported instructions are listed below illustrating how they should be written and a description of what each does is provided.
What you should know:
- The state of the pixel can be;
- Manipulation of the pixels uses an abstract cursor consisting of two coordinates, x and y stored in internal registers of the chip.
Opcode | Mnemonic |
0000 | NOP |
0001 | RESET |
0010 | IRESET |
0011 | INVERT |
0100 | SET |
0101 | MOVX |
0110 | MOVY |
0111 | ADDX |
1000 | ADDY |
1001 | SUBX |
1010 | SUBY |
1011 | - |
1100 | - |
1101 | - |
1110 | - |
1111 | - |
This set consists of simple instructions and since this is a simulation, the hardware implementation details are not specified but rather to be implicitly implemented in the virtual chip. For example, SET
is a simple instruction that just turns on/off one(current) pixel.
The usage and description of each instruction are defined here.