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Virtual Chip


The chip simulation is basic and only includes the functionality limited to our objectives and more specifically to executing instructions in the instruction set.

The main components of the chip include;

Internal Registers

These are memory locations with in the chip that store the state used when manipulating pixels on the display unit.

For now, all available registers are private and so only the chip can access them.

  • CX - stores the x-coordinate of the cursor
  • CY - stores the y-coordinate of the cursor

Both CX and CY are manipulated for instructions: MOVX, MOVY, ADDX, ADDY, SUBX, and SUBY.

For each pixel, there is a backing storage unit (say a flip flop - technically) that keep it's state.

Program Counter

This is a storage unit that stores the memory location of the next instruction to be executed. The chip increments its value by one after execution of an instruction.

Status Flags

The chip's state consists of flags that affect it functionality;

  • running: set to 1 when the chip is executing an instruction, 0 otherwise
  • signal: indicates whether an instruction has been scheduled for execution

Display Interface Channel

Think of this as the medium through which the chip communicates with the display unit. Normally, it's a cable like VGA cable, where the chip sends signals/commands that the display unit can execute - actions

Instruction Cycle

This chip uses the fetch-decode-execute cycle when executing a program. The program to be executed is loaded into main memory and the program counter is reset to point to the start of the program's memory location, say PC = 0 (zero).


The public interface provided by the chip defines;

  • reset: resets the state of the chip
  • load: fetches the program to be executed
  • step: executes the next instruction in the program
  • run: executes the entire program line by line

Chip's Clock Speed

To simulate the chip's instruction execution process, we used the setTimeout API with a default timeout value of 100 milliseconds.

This implies that, by default;

  • each instruction takes in 100 ms to execute

To determine the clock speed, we need to figure out how many clock cycles occur in 1 ms and how many cycles correspond to one instruction.

Technically, the clock speed is the number of cycles per instruction.

Clock speed = number of clock cycles / instruction time (seconds)

So by default, clock speed = (1 / 0.1) = 10 Hz

For the purposes of experimentation and customization, the chip's clock speed is configurable. Below is a list of speeds provided in the language playground.

Time (ms)Clock Speed (Hz)

Maximum Clock Speed:

To achieve the maximum clock speed, theoretically, there must be no delay between execution of consecutive instructions. There are two approaches:

  1. MAX-1: use timeout = 0 for setTimeout function
  2. MAX-2: use infinite loop to execute one instruction at a time - break after the last

MAX-1 is a practical example of zero delays that which executes the instruction after the current task queue is empty. It actually creates irrational delays thereby giving slow rendering speeds.

Unlike MAX-1, MAX-2 is swift and produces near-instatenuos rendering speed - since each iteraction completes with dom changes applied without any interruptions.

After several experimentation, MAX-1 is asynchronous and great if there too many changes to render since it is never blocking, otherwise it appears slow. MAX-2 is synchronous, fast and great for few changes but maybe slow on some devices with low memory since is blocking (user interaction may slow down/be blocked as the browser is executing and applying dom updates).

Thus, both options are provided to allow for user's experimentation. Use the playgroud to run the following code with clock speed at MAX-1 and observe. Then try again with MAX-2.

; program: draw an outlined sqaure

; clear screen

; draw 64x64 sqaure
@STROKERECT 0 0 64 64

Live Demo

In the language playground, the chip is the core component that executes the instruction one after another.


View source on GitHub: source/chip/
