PixSim, pixel simulator, is an educational LED Matrix simulation project that tends to explore how display systems like monitors/screens work. For instance, a desktop monitor or the screen on a digital watch is composed of a grid of small LEDs representing pixels. That’s the basis of this project; taking you through the origins/evolution from just a grid of pixels to modern fields/usage like graphics and text rendering.
The simulation deals with the virtualization of a display unit like a monitor/screen containing a grid of pixels. It includes an assembly-like language (including syntax & semantics, mnemonics, instruction format) to enable us manipulate those pixels easily, say a single pixel or group of pixels in a specific area. Based on the assembly language, the instruction set architecture(ISA) is designed to specify which instructions will be supported, how operands will be formatted, and how control flow will be managed. Finally, the display unit’s chip, that will execute each instruction in the ISA, is designed and tested using test programs written in our assembly-like language.